About us
Fylde District Scouts is part of The Scout Association of the United Kingdom and is one of eight Scout Districts which together make-up West Lancashire.
We have 10 Scout Groups based throughout Fylde District. Most of our Groups have their own Beaver Scout Colony, Cub Scout Pack, and Scout Troop. We also have five Explorer Scout Units and a Local Scout Network.
We aim to offer challenge and adventure to all our members. We believe in helping our young people fulfil their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves. We’re working to make Scouting available to all and we’re passionate about what we do.
Through the adventure of Scouting, young people get to take risks in a safe environment, and have their first taste of responsibility. We give young people experiences they’ll never forget. The sort of adventure we offer is the chance to experience something different and the opportunity to challenge. When a Beaver Scout wakes up the morning after a sleep over, or a Cub Scout has just got over her fear of heights by completing her first abseil – that’s adventure.
We provide hundreds of activities from abseiling to zorbing (‘that’s falling out of the ‘sky’ in a foam ball in case you were wondering). If we don’t have an instructor who can help we can normally find someone who can. But Scouting isn’t just about activities for their own sake. We encourage our young people to feel the buzz of the challenge and then reflect on what that means. Did they have fun? Do they feel more confident? Would they do it again?
All this is made possible by the efforts of our dedicated team of hard working voluntary adults. With award winning training and one-to-one support, we make sure that each one of our volunteers gets to make the best use of their skills and talents.
Our adults have a responsibility to make sure that our Programme is fun and exciting. They also make sure that it is safe. Our policies, rules, code of behaviour and advice on child protection and safety are there to ensure our young people stay safe while they enjoy themselves and learn.
It’s something different from the norm, and that why a lot of people like it.’ In fact, it’s what’s made us part of the largest co-educational youth Movement in the country.
We can’t solve all the problems in the world but we can help to make it a better place. Scouting makes a positive contribution to society by helping young people to develop as active members of the community who are self-reliant, who are caring, who are responsible, who show commitment.
Scouting is open to all young people aged 6 to 25 of every faith and background. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders and supporters